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How The Fractional Partner Model Gives Leaders An Edge

Leaders need an edge—a position giving them an advantage over their competitors differentiates their organization from others and helps them achieve greater success.

Greater success because they have an organization with strategies and tactics that differ from the competition and aren’t relying solely on in-house abilities, marketing tips of the day, or the same tactics used by everyone else.

And they want success. Not for bragging rights, although this can certainly be a driver, for the success that means—

  • Investing the efforts that get results
  • Validation of their strategy goals are met 
  • 100% confidence in their team
  • Less time frustrated with lackluster results
  • Recognition and validation of their leadership are recognized.

Having a confident edge gives leaders the breathing room to think, plan, dream and build the future they envision for their organization.  

What is a Fractional Partner?

A Fractional Partner is an executive leader with decades of marketing experience consistently showing successful results. The term “fractional” doesn’t mean ‘part-time’. The term refers to the finite period they are focused on the client’s specific outcomes.

A Fractional Partner is positioned in a leadership role within an organization. They bring their skills and expertise and, like others on the leadership team, are responsible for the implementation and outcome.

Unlike consultants who are frequently hired to assess the situation and organization, develop plans, direct leaders on performance, and rely on the client’s team to “take it from there,” Fractional Partners ensure that every one required for the success of the plan stays on track and on strategy.

As a result, teams are aligned, morale is high, the strategy supports accomplished goals, resources are allocated appropriately, and this is more confidence in the leadership. 

If company leaders are experiencing less-than-expected results, a consultant who gives them a report and leaves before implementation rarely produces the change needed.

Unlike consultants, Fractional Partners bring the diverse skills and expertise required with a hyper-focus on finding, connecting, and speaking to audiences required for the success of the plan

Fractional Partners are hands-on leaders who partner with CEOs to make the necessary strategic assessments and lead the teams within their client partners to implement the strategies and are focused on driving the desired results.

How the eyeBrand Fractional Partner model gives leaders a greater edge:

Our model offers organizations a competitive edge.

In addition to marketing leadership, our team includes a bench of marketing partners that other Fractional Partners don’t always have available. Having a regular team of marketing pros helps our clients fill resource and expertise gaps so we can hit the ground running on day one.

Our path forward not only eliminates challenges but can also give companies the advantage they’re looking for to differentiate their brand.

Our experience spans over 25+ years. From developing grassroots marketing to multi-national brand campaigns, we faced each marketing challenge head-on and in partnership with our clients.

We understand the rapidly changing challenges and opportunities in the digital marketplace allowing us to be our client’s right hand. 

Challenges Facing Leaders include:

  • Stagnant results because strategies are outdated or are no longer effective
  • Teams or individuals include people who can’t meet the challenge
  • Needing to grow but not operationally ready for the challenges of bringing on a new full-time marketing executive
  • DIY marketing materials that result in weak, inconsistent, and fragmented messages
  • Friction in the sales process slowing down or preventing sales excellence
  • Incomplete or missing marketing data and insights to guide decision making
  • A vacant or overwhelmed marketing leader or advisor 

We deliver solutions that work because:

  • Working with clients begins immediately.
  • We have 25+ years of expertise in all areas of marketing
  • Our team includes marketing people and resources who work hand-in-hand with client teams
  • Our presence doesn’t disrupt organizations
  • Companies get expertise at significantly less cost than hiring a full-time CMO as an employee, thus saving valuable resources.
  • There is less risk because we are contract-based with flexible arrangements to meet the needs of our clients.
  • We are oriented around achieving organizational goals.

Our guidance and your plan

We know what it’s like to do it all.

Companies attracted to trying to be good at everything all the time is a well-known deterrent to success.

The allure of being good at everything leads organizations to:

  • Uncertainty about working on the right things at the right time
  • Spending too much time “figuring out” marketing and too little time marketing.
  • Having no time for complete follow-through and coordination of marketing efforts
  • Wasting resources of energy, time, and money
  • Anxious leadership hoping everything will turn out OK.

We’ve been making other businesses our business for over 25 years, so we can focus on where we KNOW what we can do for our clients.

The success of a marketing strategy hinges on insightful and competent leadership guidance that aligns sales, marketing, finance, and leadership teams.

With our guidance and your company-wide alignment:

  • Teams work better,
  • Closing rates increase,
  • Marketing is more efficient (and costs less),
  • Acquisition and retention costs go down
  • The company brand becomes stronger
  • Increased leverage in the marketplace
  • Leadership value goes up.

A plan for aligning your teams will eliminate any friction that weakens your growth and, instead, drives customers toward you.

So, what’s next?

If your company brand needs strengthening, the “edge,” to increase leverage in the marketplace, we can provide the clarity, confidence, and ROI to make it happen.

You can count on us to do what you need:

  • Digital Strategy
  • Lead Generating Websites
  • SEO/Site Ranking
  • Lead Converting Content
  • Google Digital Advertising
  • CEO/Business Owner Coaching/Consulting

Book a complimentary 30-minute advisory session with our team today.

We’ll talk about your business and how we can help your team achieve your strategic and business goals.

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